Dynamics-run tutorial

In this section, we describe how to use Perturbopy to process a Perturbo dynamics-run calculation.

The ultrafast dynamics calculation solves the real-time Boltzman transport equation (rt-BTE). Please see the Perturbo website for more details.

We first run the Perturbo calculation following the instructions on the Perturbo website and obtain the YAML file, ‘si_dynamics-run.yml’. We also obtain two other important files: ‘si_tet.h5’ (from the setup calculation), and ‘si_cdyna.h5’. These files store data on the k-points and the dynamics results which are too large to be outputted to the YAML file.

Next, we create the DynaRun object using the YAML file, cdyna HDF5 file, and tet HDF5 file as inputs. This DynaRun object contains all of the information from those three files.

import perturbopy.postproc as ppy

cdyna_path = "si_cdyna.h5"
tet_path = "si_tet.h5"
yaml_path = "si_dynamics_run.yml"

si_dyna_run = ppy.DynaRun.from_hdf5_yaml(cdyna_path, tet_path, yaml_path)

Accessing the data

We can get a summary on the number of runs, (total number of performed simulations), the number of time steps and their increment for each run, and the electric field for each run.


>> This simulation has 1 runs

    Dynamics run: 1
    Number of steps: 25
    Time step (fs): 2.0
    Electric field (V/cm): [0. 0. 0.]

Individual runs

We can index the si_dyna_run object to obtain information on a particular run (stored in DynaIndivRun objects. For example, to obtain information on configuration 1:

# There was only one simulation in this run
>> 1



Indexing starts at 1 to be consistent with Perturbo indices.

For each run, we can obtain the distribution function at each time using the DynaIndivRun.snap_t attribute. The shape of this attribute is \(N_{bands} \times N_{kpoints} \times N_{\Delta t}\).

si_dyna_run[1].snap_t.shape # num_bands x num_kpoints x num_time_steps
>> (2, 15975, 25)

# Get the distribution function at band 1, k-point 1000, and all time steps.
si_dyna_run[1].snap_t[1, 1000, :]

>> [1.38367179e-88 1.38343669e-88 1.38319133e-88 3.72746507e-87
     3.56916995e-70 7.02520666e-62 3.31911718e-58 2.37911270e-56
     5.62502833e-55 7.23131136e-54 6.24468845e-53 4.05880934e-52
     2.12845401e-51 9.42992232e-51 3.64547874e-50 1.25909889e-49
     3.95524208e-49 1.14578759e-48 3.09467415e-48 7.86225317e-48
     1.89254866e-47 4.34236821e-47 9.54505383e-47 2.01865321e-46

>> 25
>> 2.0
>> array([0., 0., 0.])


The k-points used for the bands calculation are stored in the DynaRun.kpt attribute, which is of type RecipPtDB. For example, to access the k-point coordinates and their units:

si_dyna_run.kpt.points[:, 0]

>> array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])


>> 'crystal'

Please see the section Handling k-points and q-points for more details on accessing information from DynaRun.kpt, such as labeling the k-points and converting to Cartesian coordinates.

Band energies

The band energies are stored in the DynaRun.bands attribute, which is a UnitsDict object. The keys represent the band index, and the values are arrays containing the band energies corresponding to each k-point.

>> dict_keys([1, 2])

>> array([0.51121006, 0.51080167, 0.51173707, ..., 0.50932315, 0.50955554, 0.51121006])

Please see the section Physical quantities for details on accessing the bands and their units.